They had us believing.
My boss was making preparations to cancel work today.
The eye doctor I am taking a client to this morning called me with their inclement weather policy.
Clients called me to tell me not to hurt myself coming out.
Guess what?
It's dribbling a new little flakes NOW, but nothing in the quantities needed to give me a day off.
Well, there's always tomorrow.
5 years ago
5 pearl(s) of wisdom:
I never believe the weather man. If we are supposed to get snow, we get nothing. If we are supposed to just get a few flakes, we get a blizzard.
Did you do the snow dance last night?
I did, but I guess I did it about 5 hours too early :) Now it's snowing great. I just hope that the snow keeps up till tomorrow. I don't want to do my tomorrow stuff :-)
The only flake I see around here is my husband....
Welcome to DC - the land of weather forecasts but no actual weather!
Schools are already calling off for tomorrow - not FCPS, but Spotsy is closed....
Takes one to know one......
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