Ask me seven questions. Not just any seven questions though. No, to keep it interesting, use the seven questions as per below - just copy and paste the following, replace the blanks with something you want to know/ask (e.g. 3. Donkeys or sandcastles and why? - but hopefully something more interesting than that), anything you want, personal, silly, surreal or deep, comment away and I'll answer as honestly as I can in the comments! Then post this in your own blog and see what kind of things people want to ask you!
1. What do you think of _____________ ?
2. When did you last ____________?
3. __________ or ___________ and why?
4. What did you ______________?
5. What's your favourite ______________?
6. How would you ______________?
7. Who would you most like to ________
5 years ago
6 pearl(s) of wisdom:
Oooooooh, guess I'm the first contestant to "come on down".....
1. What do you think of Monopoly (the board game, not real ones)?
2. When did you last make a long roadtrip (i.e., more than a day)?
3. Ranger or Morelli and why? [grin]
4. What did you have for dinner on your first date with The General?
5. What's your favorite '80s song?
6. How would you reform our healthcare system? [couldn't resist a nice political hot-potato question]
7. Who would you most like to have as dinner party guests - five people, all famous?
1. Whenever I play Monopoly, it is always with my brother, Franc, who was our exchange student in 1996 and who has been around ever since. It takes forever to play and I always lose. If I play with anyone else, either we get bored or else we start fighting. I like it in theory, but in practice I find it too stressful for something that's supposed to be fun.
2. My last long road trip was our trip to Rhode Island and New York last summer. We were gone for 10 days.
3. As I said in your wife's blog, Ranger just once in breathtaking, excrutiating detail, and then she can be Mrs. Morelli forever. But if I don't get a little Ranger porn here sooner or later, it's not gonna be pretty.
4. Wow, what a question!!! Man!!! I know where we went, but I actually don't know what I had to eat. We went to a restaurant in Rhode Island called East Side Mario's. It was an Italian joint. So I must have had some sort of Italian food, but I can't tell you what it might have been! I'll ask him, he probably knows! ha!
5. My favorite 80's song still has to be Against All Odds by Phil Collins. It's one of my all time favorite songs, and I've loved it pretty much as long as I can remember listening to music.
6. I am a firm believer in universal health care. I would model it around the French system, as France has the best healthcare in the world. There's no reason people should have to think twice about getting lifesaving treatment, nor should they have to think twice about getting treatment for something minor that could turn into something more dangerous. We are the richest country in the world. We should be ashamed of ourselves for our healthcare system.
7. Tom Hanks, Alton Brown, Janet Evanovich, President Obama, and Angelina Jolie. Now THAT would be an interesting dinner party.
Okay, so am I going to be the only one to play this little game??
Geez, this reminds me of my days in Pine Bluff at KOTN when we'd open the phones for the third caller to win whatever prize (usually a TCBY waffle-cone or a Big Mac). Callers one, two and three were the SAME FRIGGIN' PERSON.
verification = "scies" ... the scies of my audience was two (counting myself), and about 56,000 chirping crickets.
Oh shaddup, Tal. Some people have lives outside of the computer. However, I am not one of those people.
1. What do you think of HOT lanes?
2. When did you last fly in an airplane?
3. Reading or cooking and why?
4. What did you do as extracurricular activities in high school?
5. What's your favorite dish?
6. How would you like to die? (Totally stealing that one from you, 'cause it's such an interesting question.)
7. Who would you most like to collaborate on a book with?
Word verification: feess. Looks a little too much like feces for my tastes. bleagh.
Lauren, your questions are jinxed! This is take 2 and blogger better not screw me over this time!
1. What do you think of HOT lanes?
With all the driving I do, I have made a good study of this, and I don't think HOT lanes are going to do it. No, the problem, pure and simple is big trucks. I understand that we need tractor trailers to get stuff from point A to point B, but frankly, during rush hour, they are a menace on the roads. People rush around trying to get around them, trying to get ahead of them, cut them off, and the trucks can't get back up to speed.
In my view, what we need are lanes for trucks. Or else we need to ban trucks from the highways during rush hour. They did this in Boston when I lived there and it actually helped A LOT. Whenever I get stuck on the merge at the end of the HOV lanes on 95, it's because not only is there all that merging going on, but the trucks can't make it up the hill to Quantico. And it just sucks.
2. When did you last fly in an airplane?
I believe the last time I flew was in November of 2007. We flew to Atlanta to see Mike and Lesley. We flew out of Richmond, which was HEAVEN!!! I hope to fly out of there as often as possible and not deal with the DC airports if I can avoid it.
3. Reading or cooking and why?
I'm going to go with reading, although it's a tough call! Reading is my ultimate stress reliever, and I can do it absolutely anywhere I want to. And I guess I could always read about cooking if I got desperate!
4. What did you do as extracurricular activities in high school?
I did pretty much everything except sports. I was class treasurer for 4 years, I was in French Club, I was in Girl Scouts (earned my Gold Award my senior year of high school), I was in drama club (first play was Pride and Prejudice, I had the lead in Twelve Angry Women, and I was in the adult chorus of Bye, Bye Birdie), chorus (district and all county chorus, too! WOO HOO!), Whiz Quiz (our local PBS affiliate's Jeopardy challenge for HS students), I was active in AFS although I went abroad with Girl Scouts. I think that's about it...
5. What's your favorite dish?
My favorite dish that I prepare is spaghetti sauce. I absolutely love it. I love eating it on spaghetti, and I love making it into lasagna, and I love eating it right out of the pot on the stove. Yummy!
6. How would you like to die? (Totally stealing that one from you, 'cause it's such an interesting question.)
I either want to go peacefully in my sleep, or I want to go out in a blaze of glory as painlessly as possible. For instance, being taken out in a hailstorm of bullets after I successfully shoot Osama Bin Laden pointblank between the eyes. Seeing as I a) don't have a gun; b) have never shot a gun; and c) don't plan on changing either of those things, this scenario seems unlikely. But just in case...
Or maybe I could take a bullet to save a life, like that dishy Prince William or something... That would be equally as good.
7. Who would you most like to collaborate on a book with?
I think it'd be a blast to collaborate on a cookbook with Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa. She doesn't give a flying crap about fat and calories and butter and cream, her only concern is being fabulous. I have a lot to learn from her and I'd like to think I could teach her a trick or two about life outside the Hamptons. Plus, she's probably not as stuck up as Martha Stewart, so I think we could walk the beach, chat, cook, write a bit, get a little tipsy, drink some heavy cream, and have a rip roarin' good time.
Life? What's this "life" you speak of??
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