I will be taking a lengthy break from blogging and from life in general as I try to figure out why God hates me so much.
I may be back. If I am, it will be as a wiser person, a person who expects a whole lot less from life and people in general.
5 years ago
9 pearl(s) of wisdom:
Unless your clock is several hours too fast, April 1st isn't until tomorrow..........
(and if, by some quirk of fate, is not a joke, please do explain to us -- even if it's via private e-mail)
I'll be here, maybe when you return if it's meant to be, remember we're all made it the image and likeness, don't expect too much, don't expect too little, and we'll expect you back soon.
What????? I don't like the sound of this post....I hope you are ok...
BTW...God does love you, he just has a funny way of showing it now and then...
Melissa, I don't know. This is the kind of "love" my parents and ex-wife are fond of showing.
I will never understand and can never pretend to do so. What I DO know is a couple of people in Effingham County, Ga. are both hurting for you and angry at the injustice.
Oh Susan...if you need anything, please call me or e-mail me. I'm thinking of you.
Sometimes taking a break is good. Hope you get the relief and peace you are looking for.
Please see this link for some encouragement:
Here's some advice:
Life sucks, get a helmet.
The smiley face helped didn't it?
Take care cookies and don't stop blogging or you'll make Dumpling angry.
Okay -- digame, chica. E-mail is fine. If you need anything, let me know. I'm serious!
I agree with Melissa - I don't like the sound of this post either... just remember that there are a bunch of people, including this crazy Memphis person who stood in line for New Kids tickets, who are thinking about you and praying for you. I'm sure you know that God does work in mysterious ways. But hang in there - we've got your back.
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