Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Life is Full

I hope I will always remember July 29, 2009 as the day I woke up and decided I had it all. I woke up this morning totally and utterly content by what my life has to offer. It is such a great feeling.

I have an amazing daughter and a wonderful husband. I have wonderful friends, old and new, friends who I spent a lifetime wishing for and who are finally here and who I love unconditionally. I have more offers of things to do than I have time to do them in. I have a wonderful home, drive a good car, enjoy doing volunteer work. I was offered my old job back on Monday, which indicates that I left at the top of my game and with the respect of my colleagues. I am on good terms with my family. I am taking control of my health and for the first time in 10 years feel good physically.

I can say with authority that I am having the absolute time of my life. I can't even say, "I hope it stays this way" which would indicate an innate pessimism that I just don't feel. It's strange to feel optimistic, but there you have it. Life is good.

4 pearl(s) of wisdom:

Cindy said...

Must be those full nights of sleep you are getting. :)

Ellyn said...

You reap what you sow!
I'm delighted to see how happy you are and that you are appreciating it all!

nettiemac said...

I am over the moon to hear that things are fantastic for you!!!!!! I love your attitude of gratitude!


Elizabeth said...

Is there anything better than seeing people happy who so richly deserve to be happy? This made me smile.