Well, it is over, my mom has gone home, the family drama played itself out pretty much the way I expected it to... So now I can get on with the rest of my life, knowing I did my best and handled myself with a fair amount of class, considering. I used to have a sign hanging up in my foyer that read, "Every ending is a new beginning". (it's no longer there because I am decluttering the hell out of my house!) Hopefully that is true in my case...
To that end, I've decided to finally join a local chorus here in Stafford County. I sang with a chorus up in Acton, MA when we lived there and greatly enjoyed the weekly opportunity to get together with a bunch of like-minded adults who just like to sing and put on a show. I'm not a soloist, I have no aspirations of being so, but to sing in a group is a lot of fun. I emailed the choirmaster during the storm, and was invited to attend, as they had only had 1 rehearsal so far due to the snow. Consequently, we will have to boogie out of Greensboro a little sooner than anticipated on Sunday so I can get home in time to find the school and join, but other than that, I'm good to go!
I also plowed through about half of Eudora Welty to prepare for the Fredericksburg Library book club, but it was, of course, cancelled due to the snow. I'm debating continuing on with Eudora or not, I really cannot understand the book at all, it's quite choppy. Meanwhile I need to get going on my Lit Chicks book for the month, Kathryn Stockett's The Help.
I am also pretty well sure I'm going to join Mocha Moms. I've heard from the president a couple times and they seem like a great group of women. Their mom's night out event was canceled due to snow (anyone sensing a theme?) on Saturday, but hopefully I will get a chance to meet up with them soon.
But really, at present, I'm just so tired out from shoveling, crying, raging, and entertaining an ever-more-active 10 month old with nowhere to go that I think I'm going to take a little snooze.
5 years ago
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