For the past year, I've been mentoring two foster care youths who are in dire need of good adult role models as they are quickly aging out of a system that was unable to provide them with parents and good, stable homes.
The Orphan Foundation of America is desperately seeking others who would be interested in participating as mentors for foster youth in high school and college. They are particularly in need of men to serve as mentors to boys.
The whole thing is done on-line through a website, which they call vMentor.
From their website...
vMentoring encourages teens to stay in school and develop the skills and confidence necessary to lead productive lives. When young people connect with experienced adults who genuinely want them to succeed, they can translate practical advice and inspiration into constructive action.
OFA's vMentoring program is unique in that it enables busy professionals to volunteer on their own schedule. Through a secure internet portal, mentors communicate with their mentees at any time around the clock. The time requirement is typically an hour per week.
vMentors are professionals who come from all walks of life and are motivated to share their expertise and life experience. They must be 25 years old or older. Background check is required. Training is provided on foster-care issues through conference calls, and supported with online materials. A two-year commitment is requested.
I love being a mentor, and one of my mentees and I have recently passed our 1 year anniversary and have been sharing how nervous we were as we both started. She was afraid I'd be mean, I was afraid she'd think I was a dork. hehehe It's been an amazing part of my life for the past year.
So if you are interested, please visit today and contact them about becoming a mentor. Say I sent you :-)
5 years ago
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