This weekend, my college roommate Kerriann was in town. I haven't seen her since 1998, and it was one of those strange things that occurred as a result of my broken leg!
One weekend, Joe and I were bored, and we were sitting around and decided to find out who we could get in touch with from Manhattan. We called Kerriann and it turned out to be her partner's phone we called, not hers. She called us back almost 3 weeks later, and we called her back, she'd call us back, we'd call her back... It was all back and forth, but finally we found out she was coming to DC this very weekend...
So we all made plans to get together on Sunday with her, and it turned out to be a perfect day!
Of course she lost our phone number and we lost hers, so Joe and I decided just to go to Dupont Circle to find her anyway.
We got a bit lost, and just as we found her hotel, we saw her coming right at us, across the street. It was a wonderful reunion, like no time had passed, really. We had a nice brunch, complete with mimosas, at Kramerbooks in Dupont, and then went to the Smithsonians for the afternoon.
We saw THE WORST Imax 3D movie ever, Disney should really be ashamed of themselves. It was called "Aliens From the Deep" and was about seeking out creatures in the ocean where there is no sunlight for photosynthesis...
Instead, it was about bacteria, shrimp, and tube worms, and how their presence may signal life on the moons of Jupiter. Such outdated phrases as "That's so awesome!" and "That's the bomb!" came from the mouths of the main scientists profiled. While I do still say "awesome"--after watching that piece of junk, I may never say it again...
The 3D was bacteria, which looked like little more than dandelion fluff, an elephant's trunk (certainly useful in a film about the ocean) and a guy juggling. The 3 of us literally fell asleep.
Afterwards we had lunch in the sculpture garden and went to the Hirschorn. Now, in the interest of fair reporting, I must say, I've been to the Hirschorn once, and I absolutely HATED it. I'm not a fan of modern and post-modern art, and just found it to be ridiculous. However, they were showing the work of this Japanese photographer, and I must say, it was absolutely serene and entrancing. There was one room, which they painted black and projected his black and white seascapes onto white canvases. It was so calming and quiet and peaceful in there, I hated to leave. Joe and I agreed we'll have to go back sometime and just sit in that room.
Afterwards, Kerriann's partner was ready to meet us for dinner and we all went back to Dupont and had Asian tapas. The restaurant was quite good, and we got along well with Bethany and her 2 friends who joined us, despite that we had all never met.
We had to say goodbye, since my legs and feet were killing me (I may never again venture to DC without a wheelchair, people are SO RUDE and my body is just not at that level yet) and we went home, where Joe gave me some hard-core Advil and I passed out cold. So cold that I didn't even hear Valentina's big excitement all evening ;-)
So I hope we'll be able to see Kerriann again soon and I'm looking forward to my next DC trip with MIKE AND LESLEY in just about a month's time :-) Hopefully I won't need the wheelchair by then. hehe
5 years ago
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