This post marks historic post number 500. Yup. If you've been with me from the beginning, or if you're some sort of masochist with nothing better to do and have read all my posts, you have read 500 of my greatest hits. What's taken place in the course of those 500 gems?
* I broke my leg.
* I did Relay for Life.
* We've traveled to Georgia, North and South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, Rhode Island, New York, Massachusetts, Florida, and Kentucky
* Mike's had a driving lesson
* I've met Alton Brown, Stephen Schwartz, Dave Barry, Michael Ian Black, Christopher Plummer, Alan Alda, Caroline Kennedy, Christopher Buckley, Andy Rooney, Rachel Ray, Paula Deen, Jodi Piccoult, Laurie Notaro, and Dog the Bounty Hunter
* I've met and been befriended by the Glecks
* I've become even closer with the General's Chief Honey, Annette
* I joined WW and lost 60 pounds
* I've got a new car
* I've marched in a pile of war protests
* I shook hands with Barack Obama
* I started the Kosior Fall Fun Festival
* I've been cooking the hell out of my kitchen
* A new baby is on the way
* Found homes for new baby rabbits
* I've won NaNoWriMo 3 times
* I've gotten a Wii
* I've volunteered at NPR a bunch of times
* I've been hurt
* I joined a photography club and had my pictures featured online at
* I've seen New Kids, Rod Stewart, Billy Joel, Kenny G and others in concert, and been to see Prairie Home Companion taped live several times
* My confidence was irrevocably boosted by a tubing trip
* I've ben featured in our local paper twice--once for reading and once for cooking. How great is that?!
It's not easy keeping up a blog. Writing is a lot of work and the entries take up a lot of my time. Often, there are posts not written and things not said, sometimes for personal reasons, sometimes for a lack of time or desire to write. Right now, I've got 2 entries banging about in my head, and I'm hoping I'll get them written. The blog is a lot of fun for me to look back over, and I've got my old entries from my first blog, way back in the day, which is no longer in existence. These are fun, in lieu of scrapbooks and diaries, which I suck at maintaining, and not only do I get to write things, you all get to add to my experience as I read your comments and think about what everyone's said. Yes, I've branched out to other blogs--notably the WW blog and the baby blog. By nature, I'm a compartmentalizer and I like things in their place. Still, I don't think that has detracted from this blog in any way, or at least, I hope it hasn't!
I hope you all have enjoyed the first 500 posts, and I hope there are 500 more in me. I plan to make it to at least 502. After that, we'll see what happens! Thanks for being here (and other places) with me on the journey.
5 years ago
2 pearl(s) of wisdom:
WOW - 500 posts! That's amazing! I didn't think I'd read them all but reading your summary I think I might have!
That's quite a number. How DO you find the time??
It's been a great ride -- may 500 be just the beginning.....
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