Today marks the tenth anniversary of the General's and my first date. We met at 10:00AM in Newport RI at the Tennis Hall of Fame. While we lived in New England, we would take the day every February 5th and recreate our first date--walking the Cliffwalk in February is COLD, but it was unseasonably warm in 1999 and with a sweater and warm coats, we enjoyed ourselves in the sun.
It's absolutely freezing this morning in Virginia, but we're feeling warm and snug in our house. We've both taken the day to spend together, but aren't sure what we can do to celebrate. Ten years is an achievement. He's put up with me for a very, very long time. I don't know why, but I'm grateful.
I don't think either of us could have imagined the twists and turns life would throw at us over the past ten years. This time 10 years ago, I was living at home in New York, substitute teaching at my old school, planning my move to Arkansas. In the ten years that followed, we've lived in 6 different homes in 2 different states (two of which we owned), I've had 5 different jobs and he's had 3 different jobs, we're on our third car, we took our first real vacation and many trips to the beach besides, we met our best friends, and now we've got a little one on the way.
We used to play a game, "Where will we be in five years?" We've stopped even trying to guess. It's an adventure. Can't wait to see where it leads.
5 years ago
2 pearl(s) of wisdom:
Congratulations! Happy couples like you add warmth to the world.
That's right. Who needs to guess? Just savor the ride.
Isn't 10 years wonderful??
May 10 become 20 become 30, 40, 50 - and more!
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