I found this car at a client's home. Read the top 2 bumper stickers first and then read the bottom one.
Some people are just really dumb.
5 years ago
"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something, but to be someone." --Coco Chanel
I found this car at a client's home. Read the top 2 bumper stickers first and then read the bottom one.
Some people are just really dumb.
Another useless thought from Kate/Susan
Labels: humor
1 pearl(s) of wisdom:
That's on the level with a lot of people who have pro-Bush and pro-GOP stickers on their vehicles, the whole "dissent = treason" thing ... and also sticker(s) honoring the Confederate battle flag.
Forgetting, of course, that the Confederacy was the single biggest act of TREASON against the United States.
I'm a Southerner .... but the truth hurts, man.
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