1. How many times did Imus say "Nappy Headed Ho's"? Once. How many times has the media repeated it? Countless.
2. How come Oprah Winfrey didn't ask the girls what they had on their iPods? And if it's that despicable rap music, why not take them to task on that?
3. Why haven't Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson apologized to the Duke lacrosse players yet?
5 years ago
4 pearl(s) of wisdom:
Out of the park!!
Triple Yahtzee!!
QUIZZICAL on a triple word score!!
Very, VERY good questions.
You can't see me, but I am bowing in your honor. Many times over.
These are, of course rhetorical questions; the kind you NEVER hear the answer to!
1. How many times did Imus say "Nappy Headed Ho's"? Once. How many times has the media repeated it? Countless.
Meaningless, really. How many times does the media report any event? What does that have to do with anything?
2. How come Oprah Winfrey didn't ask the girls what they had on their iPods? And if it's that despicable rap music, why not take them to task on that?
Which would mean or prove what? I like listening to comedians who refer to white Southern males as "crackers," but that doesn't mean I like it when someone gets in my grill and calls me one.
3. Why haven't Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson apologized to the Duke lacrosse players yet?
I agree, they should. And it wouldn't make one bit of difference with respect to the fact that a man who holds a prominent position in American broadcast media, and holds a license to broadcast "in the public interest," got on air and essentially called a bunch of upper-class college women "nigger whores." Pardon me if I don't believe that Jackson and Sharpton speak for those women, or that Imus' indiscretion has anything to do with Jackson and Sharpton's opportunism.
Come on, Sue. You're smarter than this.
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