So, last night was the Rachel Ray book signing.
On top of the grand disappointment that was the Paula Deen book signing, I was hoping for a little something more.
Instead, I think, if possible, I got something less.
No pictures within 5 feet of her. She did not so much as look up from the table when it was your turn. At least Paula Deen said, "Hello, sweetheart." When I said "Thank you" to Rachel, she more or less grumbled, "you're welcome"... I mean, this from Little Miss Sunshine? HELLO!?
Seriously, I was so disappointed. My book got handed to two of her handlers on one side, then it got passed to a handler after it was signed, and that final handler stuffed two stupid bookmarks in it to promote her shows.
But to treat the people who watch her shows so dismissively, I mean, seriously, that was just wrong. Considering I sat in line for 3 hours, to be rushed through with not so much as a "HI, thanks for buying my books and watching my shows" was beyond the pale. Honestly.
The only good thing about it was Melissa came to keep me company starting around 5:30--and since RR was an hour late due to DC traffic, well, it made the time go by a bit faster.
I mean, for crying out loud, Alan Alda, a revered veteran of stage and screen, gave me a full minute of his time. And he had a thousand people to get through.
5 years ago
3 pearl(s) of wisdom:
Living, as I do, in the same city (so to speak) as Paula Deen -- and having met her and spoken with her at least twice -- try your best not to hold it too much against The Lady. The "Hey, y'all!" bit is genuine against a backdrop of the fabled Southern Hospitality(tm), of which 2/3 is easily phony.
What I believe has happened, both with Paula Deen and her restaurant (The Lady & Sons), is the dark side of fame. Gawd knows, Paula doesn't know what state she's in on a given evening, much less city, or even lesser, what time of day it is. She's been usurped completely by her managers and handling team, who schedule these book-signings and proceed to treat the people like the $$-dropping cattle they view them to be.
Seraphim and I ate at The Lady & Sons B.F.N. (Before Food Network), and back then you stood at least a 50% chance of seeing Paula. It was a Savannah institution built up by Savannah people who grew to love this sweet, perky and friendly lady who could cook up a story.
Today? TL&S has a queue stretching so far that I can walk out into my front yard here in Rincon (20 miles out) and get in line. And that's at 3 PM! Savannah people have pretty much deserted it. It's now a "touristy" place.
Now Rachael -- she's a different case. She's trying to match Paula in visibility. But there's no money in the bank to cash the "Miss Sunshine" checks she writes each night on Food TV.
I suspected this but your post only confirms it.
I'm sorry you had to stand in line for so long for what amounted to nothing. I'd have been rather pizzed myself.
I would just like to say that I HATE Ray Ray with a passion. And please who decided it was a good idea to photoshop YUM-O across her breasts on the front of Classic 30 Minute Meals.
I can't stand Rachel Ray - but a certain sniffy Rhode Islander we know absolutely worships her as a sex goddess! Say it with me - EW!
Mike and I went to Paula's restaurant when we visited Savannah for our first anniversary. These was years before her Food Network stardom, and even then, there was a line to get into her restaurant (but at the time, it was a good mix of locals and tourists). She was there too, and stopped to talk to us and signed the cookbook I bought. Sorry to hear the fame has had a negative effect on all that. I still love her though - she reminds me so much of my mother-in-law (a good thing!)
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