It's official...
We got tickets thanks to my good pal Melissa and her magical Amex card. :-)
Hell yeah. HELL YEAH.
My goal is to wear my old Jonathan Knight T-shirt to this concert on 10/12.
Will it happen? Hell if I know... I have to find it first.
But I am oh so excited.
5 years ago
6 pearl(s) of wisdom:
What? No ticket for Bolivar???
Oh well. If you and Melissa get arrested for jumping onstage to get to the NKOTB, call me. Out of the kindness of my heart, I will bail you out of jail. OK?
Thanks, Bolivar, you are the best...
Actually, The General is waffling on attending the show, so you might have a ticket after all if you want one. *wink wink*
Bolivar, age 39, at a NKOTB concert?
My mind is blowing bulbs like the "Bullwinkle Show" logo at the very idea.
Both you and Melissa have a great ol' kick-ass time.
I would pay top dollar for a picture of our beloved Bolivar at an NKOTB concert............. heh heh heh!!
I just peed my pants, just a little though. NKOTB, seriously? Enjoy.
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