Judy's favorite humor writer (apart from Dave Barry of course) is Laurie Notaro. I stumbled upon her a couple of years ago, and the title of her book, We Thought You'd Be Prettier, was so great, I had to get a copy. I thought it was amusing, but Judy thought it was hilarious, became a devout fan and bought all the Laurie Notaro books out at the time. She has since built up the entire library, including The Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club and I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies).
Well, we found out she was coming to DC and decided to go. Of all the authors I've met in person over the past couple of years, this was the first one I really wanted to take to dinner and have as a friend.
Oh sure, the others have all been alternately entertaining, funny, charming, sweet, nice, friendly, etc. but Laurie was all that and down-to-earth and about my age and she had such a personality, just so much fun. She spoke and read for an hour and a half and then posed for pictures (the above picture is her cure for a double chin), signed endless copies of her books. It was great. I seriously considered going to Fairfax last night where she was signing again just to be in her presence. But it was too far, and Friday night traffic on top of it, so I ruled it out.
Next up? Tina Louise on the 23rd. Yup. Ginger is coming to Virginia. Should be interesting.
5 years ago
1 pearl(s) of wisdom:
Hey, I just got a (used) copy of her Idiot Girls book - I'll let you know what I think if/when I ever read it! Love the method of hiding the extra chin, though. :)
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