The Lit Chicks had another evening with Kris Radish last night, and it was absolutely spectacular. She talked to us for the better part of 2 hours, and answered everyone's questions. This time, we read Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral, which was a complete tearjerker, if I hadn't mentioned it already. I really did prefer The Elegant Gathering of White Snows more than I did Annie Freeman, but still in all, I thoroughly loved it and the discussion more than made up for what the book may have lacked.
It's funny, when the club meets in these small groups (there were only 5 of us), the small groups draw closer and closer together and we really get to know each other so well and I really, really love that. The club is becoming everything I envisioned when I started it.
I was looking at jobs to apply for on line the other night, and found a great one at the library at UMW, for which I was eminently qualified. The hours were 3-11, however, and my first thought was, "Not gonna happen, it'd mess up my Lit Chicks night."
So I guess even my job search will be hampered by these girls... But there are far, far worse things, and they're 100% worth it.
5 years ago
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