...there's no excuse not to complete my half-completed projects around here. Company in 2 weeks and not being home next weekend really put the onus on this weekend to get things done. And of course, my girls are all coming so we can go to tea and have pedicures this afternoon. Will I ever get this painting done? Probably not... hehe But I'm hopeful I can at least complete the living room.
I have finally found a configuration for the TV room that is pleasing enough. It will also make a good office space for me as soon as I get a desk for the new "games only" computer Michael is building for me, and all my books are down there. I think I will spend a very long time in the basement.
Our weather here has been wild. Thursday night, a tornado touched down 4 miles west of our house and the system headed in a straight line east over the river, past our house, out to the coast and on to Maryland. Fortunately it picked up and nothing at our house was disturbed, but I was freaking out about that antenna that we have crashing down onto our neighbors' new boat.
Yesterday was beautiful and sunny, then last night we had thunderstorms again and today it's beautiful. Go figure. Our dehumidifier is getting a workout--it's so damp in the house, and then so beautiful, you never know what's going to happen. Hopefully we have nice weather at the beach next weekend and beautiful weather for sightseeing when Mike and Lesley are here (particularly since we have lawn seats at Wolf Trap!)...
5 years ago
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