A while back, I had a friend ask me about joining Relay for Life, a major fundraiser to support the American Cancer Society. The Relay is mainly to raise awareness and funds for cancer survivors and research, and celebrates survivorship, as well as remembrance of those who didn't win their battle with this hideous disease.
I agreed to join the team, and after a long 6 weeks stuck inside, on my butt, doing nothing, I can hardly wait to start walking and getting ready for the Relay.
I don’t know many people whose lives have not been affected by cancer. From your neighbor down the street to a beloved parent, grandparent, cousin, or best friend who has been diagnosed, everyone I’ve talked to has been touched in some way by this awful disease.
I am certainly no exception. So this year, when I walk, I’ll be walking in honor of my family members who haven’t survived cancer (all four of my grandparents, and my great-aunt in particular) and our family friends who have
Now I get to start fundraising too!
While I walk, I’ll be wearing a T-shirt with the names of my loved ones, for whom I am walking.
If you would be willing to make a donation to support my walk, I will add any of your loved ones names to my tee, my jeans, my sneakers, my hat, whatever I have to wear to make enough money for the American Cancer Society to eradicate this despicable disease! And as a special bonus, if our team raises more than $5,000, my sister will shave her head!!!
There are a couple of ways to donate. First, you can send me a check in the mail, made out to the American Cancer Society. Be sure to include your loved one’s name so I may include it on my shirt. You may also visit my ACS RFL website at http://www.acsevents.org/faf/r.asp?t=4&i=128627&u=128627-116953634 and donate through their secure website.
So please donate, send me your loved one’s name, and I’ll be on the track on June 10th!
5 years ago
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